Next-level tax consultancy with smart data solution through collaboration between Sdu Taxvice and Visma

Geplaatst op 10-01-2020 in Nieuws

Press release 

Sdu and Visma join forces to bring together the various data flows within the tax consultancy practice in the innovative cloud software Taxvice. This development is the next step for Taxvice towards next-level tax consultancy, with a focus on proactive advice and alerting.

‘The field of tax consultancy currently uses a confusing amount of different systems, causing the entire sector to lag behind in the digital transformation. This cooperation will lead to a revolutionary change in the world of taxation’, explains Esther van Doesburg, Chief Innovation Manager at Sdu.

Tax consultants who make good use of smart data will be able to function effectively as a strategic partner and make better recommendations, which will allow them to increase their added value for their customers. These opportunities will be the result of redesigning systems, mentalities and consultancy practices by devising an effective and efficient approach and by boosting the digitization of the field of tax consultancy.

‘Tax consultants who prioritize customers have to deal with a wide range of different data streams, from CRM, accounting, tax return, DMS and other software packages. The variety of data streams in the fiscal practice far outnumber those in any other sector. There’s lots of room for improvement’, says Jelmer Nieuwenweg, Managing Director at Visma PinkWeb.


The Pinkweb platform integrates with over 50 software solutions used by accountants and tax advisors. The partnership between Sdu Taxvice and PinkWeb gives Taxvice users direct access to all these integrations. This further optimizes their work processes.

The collaboration between Taxvice and Visma now makes it possible to focus on the customer from a digital perspective as well. The digital cloud solution Taxvice brings together fiscal content, work processes and data streams. Decisions previously made based on a handful of calculations, estimates and assessments can now be quantitatively supported with smart data. Within Taxvice, Visma is responsible for creating connections with existing inhouse software, such as tax return and accounting software. All these different data streams are brought together in a data warehouse for individual sectors within the consulting practice.

The interaction between all the integrated data and models allows for analyses that were previously fragmented, time-consuming and complex. This analysis method leads to faster decisions and improved and more integrated insights. ‘We are very happy with this cooperation, because we as Sdu are convinced that in co-creation with Visma we can convert the hype around big and smart data into a concrete applicable solution for the tax consultancy practice’., explains Sander de Groot, CEO of Sdu. ‘This cooperation combines Visma’s strength in the field of data warehousing, connections, chain optimization and data analysis with Sdu’s expert substantive knowledge and knowledge of work processes’, adds Coen Egberink, Managing Director of Visma Connect.

Practical information:
You can find more information about this software solution via This is a joint press release from Sdu and Visma


If you have any further questions or comments after reading this press lease, please contact:
Esther van Doesburg || +31 (0)6 20 49 71 49

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